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Winter Classes

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Candy Anderson

Candy Anderson is a native Californian who has been teaching art and English at the high school level for the past thirty-nine years. She graduated with a minor in Art from the University of the Pacific and has continued to study art at Sonoma State and Santa Rosa Junior College. She has studied with Nell Melcher, Philip Buller, Robert Stasek, Marcia Connel, Maurice Lapp, and Rovert Dvorak. Her painting has been influenced by Oscar Blumner, Georgia O’Keeffe and Ansel Adams.

Although she has worked in silk-screening and etching, the major focus of her work since 1990 has been watercolor. Recent inspiration has come from the magnificent sculptures of Deborah Butterfield, the beautiful Sonoma County scenery, a particular fascination with Brian Tedrick’s Grazing Horse (located at Grove Street, Healdsburg), and her love of all things equine, made particularly meaningful because of her work with the wonderful horses of Sonder Ranch Equine Rehabilitation.