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Rich Bennett

California Artist; born in Antwerp; trained and studied in New York. 

After earning a degree in Graphic design, from Persons in NYC, I relocated to California in 1988. After 32 years with Louis Vuitton, including 22 years in a regional creative position, I recently retired and relocated to Healdsburg, Sonoma County. (Now showing at the Healdsburg Center For the Arts.)

I’ve always had an affinity for art, color, and design and have worked in various media.  Early work focused on graphic design, including posters and promotional materials for an annual jazz festival, acrylic paintings and glazed ceramics mostly sold at art fairs, and a gallery show of large-scale works in 1998. In 2011, I attended the first exhibition of Dovid Hockney’s digital images and was mesmerized by the varying degree of detail and their luminous quality. My first digital images were line drawings of friends’ dogs. Over time, as hardware and software have evolved, the range of subjects has expanded and my style has evolved considerably.

Replicating a photo is unnecessary, yet some details define what an image is about, such as the face of a beloved pet.  Maintaining  perspective helps create realistic spaces. Everything else is subject to interpretation and therefore my digital images have become more impressionist. As a result. I consider them digital paintings.